Some time ago a saw a link passing on Twitter that Ron van Schaik made a Joomal information list. On this list one can find where to find information about Joomla. It's hepfull when you are new to Joomla and I hope that you also can use this.

You can find the original document here.

{slider  Technical support|icon|green|closed}

{slider  Community, Volunteering, Leadership|icon|orange}

{slider  Working Group and Leadership Contacts and Social Media|icon|red}

  • Where do I find contacts for Working Groups
    Each Working group is listed on on the volunteer portal with members contacts
  • Ask a question from VEL
    A Google form to submit questions which may be published
  • VEL on Twitter
    Updates from VEL Team on Twitter
  • VEL on Facebook
    VEL Team Fanpage /discussions on Facebook
  • How do I contact the Bug Squad
    You can email Roland Dalmulder - team discussions are done on Skype
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Contact the Marketing Team
    A form for help with your joomla Marketing efforts
  • Volunteer Portal Leadership
    Contact Sander for information at the contact info on the volunteer portal
  • System Test Working Group
    Contact Puneet for information about system Testing
  • Contact the Resources Directory Team (JRD)
    Check the volunteer Portal or submit to the JRD questions form
  • Documentation Team on Twitter
    News, Info, Updates from the Doc Team

{slider  (Social) Media by Joomla!|icon|blue}


{slider  Languages for Joomla!|icon|green|closed}

{slider  Joomla News, Events and User Groups|icon|orange}

{slider  Joomla! Security|icon|red}

{slider  Developers, Testers, Technical Resources|icon|blue}


{slider  Resources for website owners|icon|green|closed}

{slider  Leadership and Working Group Meeting Notes and Discussions|icon|orange}

{slider  Finances, Sponsorships, Students|icon|red}

  • How can I sponsor or Finacially support this incredible project
    Open Source Matters handles all the finances, here you'll find how to contribute or contact the treasurer
  • Involvement through internships or mentorships
    Joomla has been a proud partner with the Google summer of code program for many years
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Financial support to attend events
    The Joomla Event Travel Programme (JET) supports select contributors to attend major joomla Events

{slider  Joomla Licenses, trademark Usage, legal|icon|blue}


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