Zoals alle communities heeft #Joomla zijn eigen favoriete #hashtags die in het #twitterverse (dit “woord” bestaat echt!) gebruikt wordt. Er zijn vele die zijn even gebruikt worden maar daarna snel vergeten worden maar sommige blijven en stralen nu de cultuur van de community uit.


This is of course the best know hashtag, you can use this #hashtag in all tweets about #joomla.

#howtojoomla en #how2joomla

Origanally started by @ostraining and later by @techjoomla. This #hashtag is inspired by the Magento community who use #howtomage. This #hashtag can be used if you have questions about #Joomla.


#jpositiv en #jpositive

Celebrate the good things about Joomla and the community in general with the #jpositiv #hashtag. Mostly used without the trailing e but aso can be found with it, #jpositiv was started to give #joomla a positive vibe.


While it’s important to be optimistic and look at the positive side of things, it's also important to be realistic and not get too carried away. Sometimes you need to be realistic and pragmatic. #jnegativ was born out of that need. So if you have something that needs to heard thats ‘smell the coffee’ type content, this is the tag to use.


A person who uses #joomla is also called a #joomler. On volunteer.joomla.org you can register yourself as a #joomler!



Meestal worden er bij #Joomla bijeenkomsten ook selfies gemaakt, alleen heten ze nu natuurlijk #jselfie en je hoort er natuurlijk niet alleen zelf op te staan maar met mede- #joomlers en dit met de wereld te delen.


Bedacht door Joomlashine om te vieren hoe #joomlers over de hele wereld enthoussiast over #joomla (en de community) zijn. In hun woorden: #JoomlerSpirit - the spirit of being "Together" and being "As a whole" has kept Joomlers as sturdy and resilient as ever”.


To celebrate the 10th birthday of #joomla the #hashtag #joomla10 was invented and widely used.


It was created by Joe Campbell. While not a developer, he realized he could contribute to the Joomla! community by providing honest feedback and suggestions. More than a hashtag, #JFeedback is now a principle that empowers and inspires us all to constantly improve every Joomla! creation and experience. Do you know of a #hashtag widely used? Give some #jfeedback at the comments!


During #joomla meetings (or a event) it might be possible someone would drink a beer. So the #hashtag #jbeer is used to let everyone know your are enjoying a beer on a Joomla event. Perhaps acompanied by a #jselfie?


What's a barbecue at a #joomla event without an #jBBQ (and perhaps a #jbeer?)


Having fun with #Joomla event you can always use the  #hashtag #jfun!


If you succeded and you're happy about it you can share this with #jsuccess


Based on a artikel from Techjoomla:

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