As a website owner (or webmaster/builder) you are of course curious if there are any improvements possible. One of the web tools you can use for these questions is Nibbler. When you visit you can enter a website. After this Nibbler will visit this website and calculate where there might be improvements possible. Nibbler wil check in the following categories: Accesibility, Experience, Marketing en Technology.

When you click on one of these categories you can see what test have been executed. The test is a link to the result, making it easier to find out what kind of improvements can be made.

Joomla 2.5 hit it's end-of-life (EOL) December 31, 2014. Starting in June the JED will begin phasing out 2.5 extensions. As planned back in April 2012, the JED will list Joomla versions for six months after the announced EOL of Long Term Support (LTS) versions.

The 2.5 Timeline

June 1, 2015: We will no longer accept Joomla 2.5 only extensions.
June 30, 2015: The 2.5 compatibility icon will be disabled and any 2.5 only listings will be removed.

What about Joomla 4?

We will continue to use the 3.x compatibility icon for all Joomla 3 versions. A Joomla 4.x compatibility icon will be added when the PLT releases a stable Joomla 4 version.


Some time ago a saw a link passing on Twitter that Ron van Schaik made a Joomal information list. On this list one can find where to find information about Joomla. It's hepfull when you are new to Joomla and I hope that you also can use this.

You can find the original document here.

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  • Where do I find contacts for Working Groups
    Each Working group is listed on on the volunteer portal with members contacts
  • Ask a question from VEL
    A Google form to submit questions which may be published
  • VEL on Twitter
    Updates from VEL Team on Twitter
  • VEL on Facebook
    VEL Team Fanpage /discussions on Facebook
  • How do I contact the Bug Squad
    You can email Roland Dalmulder - team discussions are done on Skype
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Contact the Marketing Team
    A form for help with your joomla Marketing efforts
  • Volunteer Portal Leadership
    Contact Sander for information at the contact info on the volunteer portal
  • System Test Working Group
    Contact Puneet for information about system Testing
  • Contact the Resources Directory Team (JRD)
    Check the volunteer Portal or submit to the JRD questions form
  • Documentation Team on Twitter
    News, Info, Updates from the Doc Team

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phoca-commanderPhoca Commander 
joomla3 component 
Phoca Commander is an extension where you can easily edit files or change rights. waarbij je makkelijk snel bestanden kan aanpassen en rechten in kan stellen. It has a dual panel set up for easy file transfer You can manage the following options woth Phoca Commander: change rights (CHMOD), rename, view, edit, copy, transfer, new map, delete, unzip, zip and upload.

Phoca Commander on JED

Synology DS213

Since I have a Synology NAS I wanted to install Joomla on it. I didn't have any plans with this install but wanted to try it. The install of Joomla was not that hard, first phpMyAdmin, than mariaDB and at last install Joomla. It worked just fine right out of the box.

There was an update immediatly available, a new version of the Dutch language file so I wanted to update this. I tried but got a error: JFolder::create: Path not in open_basedir paths

It was not that hard to find the solution to this problem and it is simple.

  1. Log into your NAS and go to Configuration > Webservices > tab PHP-settings (translated from Dutch)
  2. Add a bit to the setting open_basedir at the end of the line: :/volume1/web/
  3. Save this and now your updates or installs in Joomla should work, it did for me